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Likelihood of ACL graft rupture: not meeting six clinical discharge criteria before return to sport is associated with a four times greater risk of rupture

Kyritsis P, Bahr R, Landreau P, Miladi R, & Witvrouw E. Br J Sp Med.… Continue reading

The Warwick Agreement on femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI syndrome): an international consensus statement.


Griffin DR, Dickenson EJ, O’Donnell J, Agricola R, Awan T, Beck M, Clohisy JC, Dijkstra HP, Falvey E, Gimpel M, Hinman RS, Hölmich P, Kassarjian A,… Continue reading

Title: Preventing Running Injuries – One Thing You Need to Knowk



I’m asked daily what is the most important thing to do in a runner’s training to prevent injury. Is it the right shoe, the stretching, the strengthening,… Continue reading

Advances in Clinical Education Faculty Member Dr. Michael Voight will continue his role on the Performance Health Academy’s Scientific Advisory Committee for 2016. Dr. Voight has been a member of this distinguished group for 4 years now and has produced… Continue reading

We receive a lot of questions regarding the SFMA Certification and who it is most appropriate for. The Selective Functional Movement Assessment is an algorithmic Extension-for-web-low-resapproach to the evaluation and treatment of orthopedic impairments and movement dysfunction.

What Clinicians Should… Continue reading

BLOG: Tab Blackburn

Single-Bundle Versus Double Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Comparative 2 Year Follow-up. Mayr HO, etal, Arthroscopy Vol 32 No 1 January 2016 pp34-42

Arthroscopy had a nice systematic review of single-bundle (SB) vs double-bundle (DB) ACL… Continue reading

Michael L. Voight

Dr. Michael L. Voight

SFMA co-founder and instructor Dr. Mike Voight gave a great presentation on the topic of movement assessment in RTP decision making at the first annual International Sports PT Congress in Bern, Switzerland. Here’s some of… Continue reading